- Give your eyes a break: Studies show that Americans spend 10 hours a day looking at a screen. This includes emails, texting, watching movies, work projects, and reading online books, etc. Cut your eyes some slack and take a break. If you are required to work at a computer for most of the day, start the 20/20/20 rule. Every 20 minutes, stare at a point 20 feet away and focus on it for 20 seconds. This will give your eyes a rest and release strain in your neck and face. If your office has an outdoor area for walking, take a conference call outside to stretch your leg and eye muscles.
- Assess your computer screen set up: Shift your computer screen, so your eyes are level with the top edge of the monitor. This will allow your eyes to look down towards the screen, easing tension. Invest in an anti-glare screen and check to see if any windows or lights are causing additional glare.
- Eat correctly: If you are a salmon or citrus fruit lover, you’re in luck. These foods contain the vitamins and minerals for healthy eyes. Look for foods with high levels of omeg-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins E and C. Green leafy vegetables, kale, collard greens, eggs, beans, oyster, and pork are also great options to add to your grocery list.
- Visit your eye doctor regularly: Your eye doctor has your best interest at hand and knows the signs of eye problems. At your eye doctor’s office, they have special tools and equipment made to analyze the details of your eyes in a way that can reveal the early stages of macular degeneration and cataracts.
Schedule your eye exam with Dr. Stuart Sondheimer today. You can contact us at Skokie, IL ((847) 677-2794), Deerfield, IL ((847) 677-2794) and Park Ridge, IL ((847) 677-2794). Â We look forward to addressing any questions or concerns you may have.