Life is Calmer
Now that summer is over, you probably have a little more time on your hands. School is back in session, and things are starting to settle down. That means you might have a little more time to squeeze in a Lasik appointment.
Surgery in the Fall Helps You Avoid Too Much Sun
Because the days are shorter, you have a chance of exposing your eyes to less sunlight than if you had Lasik in the summer. This is good, because the glare of the sun can be a little aggravating to someone who just got Lasik surgery.
Avoid Spring Allergies
Nothing is worse than having itchy eyes and not being able to rub them. When you get Lasik surgery, you’ll definitely need to avoid any touching of your eyes while they recover. If you suffer from spring allergies, getting Lasik in the fall is a great way to avoid an annoying recovery process.
Prevent Winter Dryness Issues
If you get dry eyes from cold, dry winter air or just the drier air inside the house, Lasik in winter might not be so fun. Also, smoke from fireplaces or gusts of wind may cause trouble for your eyes. If you are sensitive to dry air, avoid the trouble and get your Lasik in before the weather truly turns.
Skip Glasses and Contacts for The Holidays
If you’re the type to give yourself a little something for the holidays, there’s nothing better than the gift of sight. Imagine waking up in the morning and being able to see. No fumbling for glasses on Christmas morning. No sticky contacts from accidentally falling asleep on the couch. Being able to see and soak it all in could be the best gift you’ll ever get.
Are you ready to make the call and ditch the glasses once and for all? contact us at (847) 677-2794Â to schedule a Lasik consultation today!