Understand presbyopia with our providers
Here are a few things you should know about presbyopia:
- Presbyopia is a natural part of aging. As you get older, the actual lens of your eye becomes less flexible, making it harder for your eye to focus on close objects.
- Presbyopia usually starts around age 40. For most people, presbyopia begins to affect their vision around age 40. This is why it’s often called “age-related farsightedness.”
- Presbyopia can be treated with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery. There are several ways to treat presbyopia. If you wear glasses or contact lenses, you may need a stronger prescription for reading glasses or bifocals. You can also get special contact lenses that correct both near and far vision. Or you may opt for surgery to correct your vision. Talking to a vision physician is the best way to learn about your options for treatment and choose the one right for you.
- Presbyopia doesn’t have to stop you from doing the things you love. You can continue doing everything you love with the proper treatment, even if your vision isn’t perfect. Dr. Stuart P. Sondheimer works with you to find a treatment option that fits your budget and your current lifestyle, ensuring your life doesn’t stop due to poor vision! Choose the right treatment for you, and don’t let presbyopia slow you down!
Learn more about presbyopia with our team
If you reside in Skoki, IL, and need a vision examination, connect with Dr. Stuart P. Sondheimer. We are committed to providing patients with solutions for various conditions and ensuring eye and vision health for life! Call 847-677-2794 to request an appointment with our eye physician and LASIK, and cataract surgeon for a consultation visit.