7 Reasons Why There’s Pain Behind Your Eye 

eye pain chicago | Stuart Sondheimer MD At one time or another, each of us has likely experienced some type of eye pain. It can range from dull to intense and can be sometimes be accompanied by fever, tearing, redness, light sensitivity, sinus pressure, double vision, and numbness. Most often, pain behind your eye isn’t a serious condition, but in some instances, it can be. That’s why it’s important to figure out what’s most likely causing your eye pain. Here are some common reasons associated with pain behind your eye.

  1. Dry eye: Dry eye syndrome is a relatively common condition in which your eyes are unable to produce adequate tears to moisten the eye. Dry eyes can bring on sensitivity to light and headaches, both of which can be painful and lead to pain behind your eyes.
  2. Problems with vision: If you have a tendency to focus or squint to make up for a vision problem like farsightedness, nearsightedness, or astigmatism, you are more prone to develop eye pain. That’s because your brain and eyes are trying to compensate for your compromised vision.
  3. Sinus inflammation: Also referred to as sinusitis, sinus inflammation causes pressure and pain behind your eyes and tenderness in the front of your face.
  4. Throbbing pain from a migraine headache almost always includes pain behind the eyes.
  5. This condition is caused by the buildup of intraocular pressure. And when pressure increases in your eye, it can lead to pain oftentimes coupled with nausea, swollen eyelids, watery eyes and loss of peripheral vision.
  6. When pain is felt specifically behind the left eye, it could possibly indicate a brain aneurysm. This occurs when blood vessels or an artery wall in the brain are weak, resulting in possible hemorrhaging or stroke.
  7. Scleritis: Stabbing pain behind the eye could be caused by inflammation from inside the sclera (the outer coating of your eye ball.) This condition is sometimes combined with other symptoms like redness and light sensitivity.

If you’re experiencing moderate to severe eye pain, or to learn more about receiving treatment for glaucoma, cataracts or LASIK in Chicago, schedule a consultation with Dr. Sondheimer online or by calling: 847-677-2794



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